Color Inspector 3D

Display Modes

For Images with more than 256 colors every color is represented by a single dot. For 256 colors or less the colors are represented by small circles because otherwise these few colors would hardly be visible.

This mode shows all colors independent of their frequency.

The transparency of the color dots is inversely proportional to the frequency of the colors. Frequent colors are displayed opaque, rare colors will be displayed transparent. The effect of the weighting may be adjusted with the slider "Weight" .

This mode generates a 3D-histogram. The color space is partitioned into equally spaced cubes (color cells). For every cell the frequency within the cell is determined. Each cell is represented by a sphere (ball) with a volume proportional to the frequency. The number of color cells may be adjusted by the slider "Number of Color Cells".
By pressing the button "LUT" the histogram is printed as a List that shows all color and their absolute and relative frequencies.

For images with 256 or less colors no histogram is calculated, the original LUT colors are used.

In this mode a color reduction using the "Median Cut" is performed. The number of colors can be set with the slider "Number of Colors". The orignal image is represented with this reduced color set.
By pressing the button "LUT" the reduced color set is printed as a list. Color values and their absolute and relative frequencies are listed.

In this mode a color reduction using the algorithm of Xiaolin Wu ("Color quantization by dynamic programming and principal analysis") is performed. The number of colors can be set with the slider "Number of Colors". The orignal image is represented with this reduced color set.
By pressing the button "LUT" the reduced color set is printed as a list. Color values and their absolute and relative frequencies are listed.


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